Sunday. March 13. I'm fully aware some of you out there don't get it. I've tried explaining it to some of you and you just stare at me blankly, or with confused and/or judgmental faces. I know i'm a geek. Get over it. I will explain this one last time, please dont make that face...
In mathematics pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937... OR just plain ol 3.14, cause any more digits deals with crap too small to make any difference to anything real. Pi=3.14=3/14=March(3rd month) 14th(day). Simple. And as a clever play on words... Pi Day= PIE Day. But seeing as how actual pi is on a Monday, Sunday night had to suffice.
ANYWAY, Kara and I decided we would like to take part in the festivities. We didn't have the time, nor the patience for pie, so we were going to be clever- because it was faux-pi day, we were going to bring a faux-pie. Aka, A cake shaped like a pie in a pie dish. Brilliance. We mixed up the recipie a little bit, make it a lil thicker, gave it a little banana and hot chocolate... It was going to be good. We popped it in the oven, 'bout half hour later, we have cake. Pie. Pake?
As a precursor to this moment in time- Jocelyn our roommate is an avid baker. And she LOVES her baking things. Once upon a time she left a knife out and it was broken through the klutziness of another roommate... a tiny part of her died when she found it. On the verge of tears I tried to comfort her, but could only comfort so much while she clutched a broken knife in her hand... Broken or not, it was still a knife, and she, I could tell, was not in her right mind... She couldve stabbed something...Anyway, we borrow a bowl to mix and something else, but she gave a- this is your responsibility now, take good care of my things speech.
Kara takes it out of the oven, and places it on the stove. Seconds later...
There is this horrible shattering noise... My face drops. Kara turns to me. The first thing out of her mouth- "Its not Jocelyn's pan" Whew! Still... it was only in there at 375 degrees... and it was placed on the stove, which was warm from the stove...
We try to salvage it.
Then Kara picks a tiny piece of glass out of the pile...
I can see it now... "Oh what kind of pie did you bring?" ... "Banana Cream" ..."You?"
"Chocolate-Banana GLASS!"
I can't feed people a pie with possible shards of glass in it! We scraped it. It wasn't very good anyway... Tasted kind of bloody...
Good Things Come To Those Who Wait
10 years ago
Hah thats awesome! Any excuse to have pie is good enough for me!